Take note of our order fulfillment timelines as laid out below.
Packing & Delivery Policy:
Paygate Orders – Subject to order volumes, once order is confirmed and payment is made through paygate, the order will be placed in the packing line, and this can take anything from 4 – 5 days. Thereafter the package is booked with the courier if so selected. Note the delivery times are estimates only.
EFT Orders – Subject to order volumes, once the invoice amount REFLECTS in our bank account, (this can take up to 4 days for an international payment) the order will be placed in the packing line, and this can take anything from 4 – 5 days.
Thereafter, if for delivery the order is booked with our delivery partners, if for collection you will be notified that it is ready for collection, and appropriate information such as sizes of the packages will be sent to the client to convey to the courier.
Collections: Only available once we have notified that package is ready for collection. 10am-3pm, Friday 10pm – 1:00pm