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What Are Wax Melts?

What is a Wax Melt?

A wax melt is a type of product that consists of wax without a wick. Its purpose is to be melted in a tart melter or an oil burner to fragrance a room. Wax melts are often highly fragranced and are used as an alternative to candles. They are designed to melt slowly and release fragrance gradually, providing a pleasant aroma in the space. One advantage of wax melts is that they offer a great hot throw, dispersing fragrance effectively.

How does a wax melt work?

A wax melt is designed to release its fragrance when heated gently from below, in a wax melter or oil burner. As the wax heats up and melts, the fragrance is released into the air, once the fragrance has completely dispersed from the wax, you can remove the “old” wax and pop in a new melt for a fresh scent. The major difference between candles and wax melts is that the wick in a candle burns/evaporates the wax to release the fragrance, in a wax melt the wax is simply heated up to release the fragrance.

What wax can be used to make Wax Melts?

Two widely used types of wax used for making wax melts are soy wax and paraffin wax. The choice between the two depends on your brand and the price point at which you will be selling the wax melts. Soy wax is considered more natural, while paraffin wax is more cost-effective.

Available Waxes for Wax Melts

At our store, we offer a selection of waxes suitable for making wax melts:

  1. Soi of the Earth:This type of soy wax is well-suited for creating wax melts.
  2. S100 from All Season wax co: S100 wax is another option you can use for making wax melts.
  3. C3 Cargill wax is a popular choice for wax melts.
  4. M3B from Sasol wax is also available and suitable for making wax melts.

Can I mix my waxes to make wax melts?

While it is possible to mix different waxes to create wax melts, it is not necessary as wax melts do not require a wick. They will perform well even without blending waxes. However, some people choose to create blends to add a glossy finish to wax melts when unmoulding them from silicone moulds. For achieving a glossy effect, a recommended blend is 80-90% soy wax and 10-20% paraffin wax. It is advisable to test different blends to find the one that meets your desired criteria. Ensure your moulds are clean before every use to ensure best results.

What can I use to make/shape wax melts?

Wax melts come in a variety of shapes and sizes, so you have plenty of options of what you can use to pour/shape your wax melts. Here are a couple of different options for you to take a look at:

Clam Shell Moulds – These moulds resemble clamshells opening and closing, are designed for single use(to thrown away after use, not reused) and can be sold as part of your packaging.

Silicone moulds – This creates individual wax melts, these moulds are available in a variety of shapes and sizes.

Chocolate slab moulds – Like chocolate bar moulds, these moulds allow you to make wax melts in slab form that look like colourful chocolate bars.

Also available on the market, are the following forms of wax melts. These can be packaged in jars due to their form.

Scoopable wax – A relatively new product similar in function to wax melts in a jar that you scoop out with a spoon and add to the burner.

Wax Crumble – Another variation of wax melts similar to scoopable wax. They look exactly like crumble, even better if its dessert scented.

Wax Bark – Wax bark is a type of wax melt that resembles chunks or irregular pieces of wax with single or multi colours. Simply pour your wax into a large, flat sheet, add your toppings/botanicals. Once set, remove from the tray and break into irregular pieces.

Squeezable wax – A unique form of wax melt that can be squeezed out of a container into the Melter dish.

Recipes for these will be available on our site soon.

Fragrance Usage in Wax Melts

Since wax melts do not require a wick to function, you can add a higher amount of fragrance compared to traditional candles. The recommended fragrance ratio for natural waxes is typically 10-15%, depending on the specific wax being used. Paraffin wax generally requires a lower fragrance concentration, around 5-10%. It is crucial to read the IFRA (International Fragrance Association) sheet for each fragrance to ensure that you stay within the recommended percentage specified by the fragrance manufacturer. Simply follow the instructions provided for the specific wax type you choose to work with.

Using Colorants and Mica Powders

Unlike in candle-making, wax melts allow for the use of mica colorants. Since there is no wick involved, candle-safe colorants can be used to achieve desired shades. To obtain the desired color, follow the instructions provided on our website.

Tips and tricks

Here are some helpful tips and tricks for making wax melts:

  1. Temperature Control: When using clam shell moulds, avoid pouring your wax at excessively high temperatures as it can melt the clamshell. The recommended pouring temperature for both soy wax and paraffin wax is around 60-65 degrees Celsius.
  2. Heat Gun Caution: Avoid using a heat gun on the clam shell moulds as it can melt the packaging. Heat guns should be used with caution and only when necessary.
  3. Curing the Wax: Just like candles, it is essential to cure your wax melts. Curing allows the fragrance to fully develop and ensures the best performance. Follow the recommended curing time for your specific wax and fragrance combination.
  4. Warning Labels: Remember to include warning labels on your wax melt products. These labels provide important safety information and usage instructions for your customers.
  5. By following these tips and tricks, you can create high-quality wax melts that offer optimal fragrance performance and safety.

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